[. . . ] Instruction Manual DVD-R145 www. samsung. com/hk English AK68-01215A-00 Getting Started Warning IMPORTANT NOTE The mains lead on this equipment is supplied with a moulded plug incorporating a fuse. If it requires replacing, a fuse approved to BS1362 of the same rating must be used. Never use the plug with the fuse cover omitted if the cover is detachable. If a replacement fuse cover is required, it must be of the same colour as the pin face of the plug. [. . . ] oe : Moves to the previous/next item, . . . , 0~9 : Sets a value. Before you start 1. Make sure the Clock (Setup-Clock Set) must be set before you proceed with a timer recording. (See page 25) · Source : The video input source (AV1 or AV2), or the broadcasting channel you want to make a timer recording from. · Day : Timer Recording allows setting the recording time within one month period. Set the recording day. 01 SUN 02 MON 03 TUE 04 WED 31 TUE Daily MO-SA MO-FR W-SA W-SU 1 With the DVD Recorder in Stop mode, press the TIMER button. DVD-Recorder DVD-RW(VR) Title List Playlist Disc Manager Programme Setup Scheduled Record List · Start/End Time : Start and end time of the timer recording. · Speed (Recording Mode) : - FR (Flexible Recording) : Select when you want to set video quality automatically. In FR mode, the most suitable record mode is adjusted automatically, according to remaining time on the disc and length of the timer recording. 1 hour) - SP (standard quality) : Select to record in standard quality. 2 hours) - LP (low quality) : Select when a long recording time is required. (Approx. 4 hours) - EP (extended) : Select when a longer recording time is required. (Approx. 6 hours or 8 hours) Programme MOVE OK RETURN EXIT Recording Using the MENU button. With the DVD Recorder in Stop mode, press the MENU button. buttons to select Programme, then press the OK or button. 2 Press the OK or button twice. DVD-Recorder DVD-RW(VR) No. 01 Source PR 01 Day 01 SUN Start 12:05 End 14:05 Speed SP · The Timer Recording screen is displayed. Scheduled Record List Edit NOTE Available Time 00:48 SP MOVE OK RETURN EXIT When you are recording at EP mode on a DVD-RW(V)/-R disc, it may not record the full 6 or 8 hours because the DVD Recorder uses the VBR(Variable Bit Rate) ENCODING system. For example, if you record a programme with a lot of action, it uses a higher bit rate which in turn consumes more disc memory. English -43 4 Press the OK button. If the timer settings overlap The programmes are recorded in order of priority. If timer recording is set for the first programme and then again for the second programme and both programmes overlap, the following message will appear on the screen: "This setting is identical with 1"The message shows that the first programme has priority. After recording of the first programme is complete, the second programme starts being recorded. To return to the previous menu Press the RETURN button if you don't want to set a timer recording. Editing the Scheduled Record List Follow these directions to edit the timer record list. 1 With the DVD Recorder in Stop mode, press the TIMER button. DVD-Recorder Programme DVD-RW(VR) Title List Playlist Disc Manager Programme Setup Scheduled Record List the off to finish the Timer 5 Turnwork powerthe Timer Recording will Recording setting. will blink if disc is not inserted. MOVE OK RETURN EXIT Using the MENU button. NOTE Recording The timer recording time may differ from the set time depending on disc status and overall timer recording status (for example, recording times overlapping, or when the previous recording ends within 2 minutes before the start time of the next recording. ) You can make the Timer Recording up to 12 programmes. With the DVD Recorder in Stop mode mode, press the MENU button. buttons to select Programme, then press the OK or button. 2 Press the OK or button. the . . . buttons to the number 3 Press the OK or button. select to edit, then of the timer recording you want press The Edit and Delete items are displayed. DVD-Recorder DVD-RW(VR) No. Source Day 01 SUN 02 MON Scheduled Record List Current Time 12:27 Start 13:07 12:08 : End 14:07 14:08 : Speed SP SP -- Edit Edit Delete Flexible Recording (for Timer recording only) 01 02 03 PR 01 PR 01 MOVE OK RETURN EXIT In FR mode, the most suitable record mode is adjusted automatically, according to remaining time on the disc and length of the timer recording. 4 Press the OK orbuttons to select Edit, then press button. The Timer Record Input item is displayed. [. . . ] (4) You've requested a title, chapter, or scan time that is out of range. Audio and subtitle languages are disc-specific. Only the sound and subtitle languages contained on the DVD disc are available and displayed in the disc menu. Video Play mode settings are different from the settings configured in the Settings menu. The disc revolves, but no image or bad quality images are displayed. Checkpoint 1 The disc does not support all selected functions. In this case, some settings configured in the settings menu may not work properly. Checkpoint 1 Be sure that the Video Setting is properly set. [. . . ]